Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dear Sea and Air Experts Clients & Colleagues,

As you may have already heard, there is a labor dispute currently taking place between the ILA (
International Longshoremen's Association) and the ports all across the United States of America. There is a chance that such a dispute will lead to a strike which is currently scheduled to commence on December 29th, 2012 and run indefinitely until the dispute is resolved. Although unlikely, such a strike is a possibility and if it does occur it will affect every port across the U.S.

Negotiations on a new contract between the ILA (International Longshoremen's Association) and employers represented by the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX) broke off abruptly Tuesday afternoon. The union and management said they were going to discuss container royalties, payments that are made to longshoremen based on the weight of containerized cargo. USMX has wanted to cap those payments.
For those clients who happen to have cargo in the ports or containers loaded but not yet ingated, they will be charged demurrage and/or per diem charges. Such charges vary by steamship line and will vary from $800 per container to $2000 per container, and could be higher if the strike is prolonged for an extended period of time.

Let me reiterate that the chances of this happening are low, however, since we choose to be on the cautious side Sea and Air Experts is insisting that you provide your WRITTEN INSTRUCTION IF YOU WANT YOUR CONTAINER LOADED AND TO TAKE THE RISK, if we do not received such instructions we will not load your container/cargo.

This is for loads starting from Monday December 21, 2012.
If you have any questions please email

Sea and Air Experts
Office: 954.790.6655
Fax: 954.775.9794

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